Get Lost!
What I really mean is, get out this weekend and get lost in a Corn Maze!! They are all over the place this time of year. There are family friendly mazes to follow along during the day and then there are the ones for night time that are so creepy, you might feel as if Jack Nicholson's crazy character from The Shining is lurking around the corner! Whatever floats your boat!
It will also be a great weekend to head out to a local apple orchard. Some orchards apples may be all picked by now, but the stands should still be open and ready for you to pick out that perfect apple for pie or a crisp!
Pick a perfect pumpkin from a pumkin patch.
My Mother-in-law just arrived for a week long visit from sunny Florida (she only brought open-toe shoes! What was she thinking?). We'll be showing her some foliage (little bit left here in Rhode Island) and making caramel apples and warming her up with some nice soup and hot chocolate!
Here are some links to check out to get you started:
Farm Fresh Rhode Island
Local Harvest
Salisbury Farm
Go New England