Blog-Worthy Roast Chicken
In the midst of all of this inevitable Holiday chaos, I yearn for comfort food. One of my favorites is Roast Chicken. Emma's Fourth grade teacher (last year), visits family in Greece every summer. When she got back back this Fall, she brought me Greek Oregano & Bay Leaves from her Mother's garden & a beautiful wooden Mortar & Pestle (which I look forward to christening as soon as the kitchen renovation is complete!). Along with the oregano came a recipe for her famous Roast Chicken. I thought I would share it with you. Be forewarned: if there is any leftover, you will find yourself tearing off bite-size pieces and dipping them into the juice! Yummmmmm....................
Holly's Greek Chicken
Wash and dry a whole chicken. Place it in a baking pan and generously lather it with olive oil. completely cover the chicken with oregano. Mix half a cup of water, half a cup of olive oil and the juice of two fresh lemons. Pour the mixture around the chicken in the baking pan. You may add peeled and quartered potatoes around the chicken for a real treat. Bake at 425 degrees for about 1 1/2 hours or until the juices from the thigh run clear!
NOTE: I served my chicken this evening with steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes I made with local potatoes purchased from the Winter Farmers Market in downtown Providence.