Welcome to "Jen's Dish"
Hi Welcome to my blog! (Wow, was this easy....)
This will accompany my weekly radio show, "Jen's Dish", which airs live every Wednesday at 9am until 10am (EST) on WNRI 1380am or find me live at www.wnri.com.
"Jen's Dish" is an hour long live radio show all about FOOD. I talk about shopping, cooking & eating. During the hour, You'll come with me on "Foodie Field trips", you'll meet with "Special Guests", You'll learn about the latest kitchen gadgets in my "Counter Space" segment and more. You can even call in and talk to us live!
I hope you get a chance to listen in. Check here for weekly recipes, upcoming topics, special guests and much, much more.
Please use this blog to send me your comments and suggestions! I would love to hear from you!
In the meantime, buy local, cook fresh, eat well!
Jen Huntley-Corbin